The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; Psalm 19:1–3a
Our World -
God’s Visible Language
Visible Creation as Testimony to an Invisible Creator
Our world is far more than mere matter, space and energy. Its orderly patterns, its reliable processes and arresting natural beauty give it the capacity to speak, without words, a mysterious language that feeds our curiosity and wonder about it. We are drawn into the world of the audacious, with thoughts beyond the conventional, to posit an intelligent and imaginative Artist and Architect whose ineffable Creation in both its spatial and temporal dimensions defies adequate verbal expression.
In delving into revelation contained in various earth sciences and within the pages of the Bible, Our World: God’s Visible Language reveals a congruency between these two avenues to Truth, that the visible Creation repeatedly declares the glory and mystery of the invisible God, and that science is not an enemy to faith. Informative and written with imagination and personal anecdotes, these pages provide readers an opportunity to better understand the invisible God and His written Word, nudging us toward a loftier context in which life can be lived and enjoyed with hope and purpose.